Four 2014 calendars with style

This small square calendar from PrintSmitten packs a colorful punch. It comes with a cute metal clip for hanging. Bonus points: each month is double-sided for endless re-use possibilities. This will be gracing my office this year.

I look forward to the new Snow & Graham calendar each year. Buying one over the holidays and hanging it up in my kitchen on New Year’s Day has become an annual tradition. It’s good-sized at 12″x18″ and the design never disappoints.

I fell hard for this HUGE calendar from 1canoe2 with its endearing (but not twee) retro prints. At 20″x32″, it makes quite a statement. And the included wooden hanger only adds to the charm.


And last but not least…

This list wouldn’t be complete without a letterpress option. These pretty printed pages from Stationery Boutique double as postcards when the month is done. UPDATE: You can get a free printable version of this calendar from Oh the Lovely Things (minus the letterpress and postcard parts of course, but still awesome).

Happy 2014!

20+ thoughtful gift ideas

Can you believe we’re under the two-week mark? I put together some of my favorite gift ideas and made them customizable, so you can choose your own gifting adventure. 20131211-231804.jpg

Who doesn’t love jam? Especially really good jam. Package up a couple of the following for a sweet gift:

  • Vintage jam spoons from your local antique/vintage shop, etsy or ebay
  • A jam cookbook, if they cook (or would like to)
  • Homemade jam, if you cook
  • Great jam jars, perhaps with a recipe tucked inside
  • Artisan jam from the store or farmer’s market, like Ayers Creek here in Oregon (so good!)
  • Fresh-baked bread or scones


For those who like to entertain, mix and match items to spice up their next soirée:


For new homeowners, choose a selection of heirloom-worthy ornaments like these from Schoolhouse Electric to help start their collection.


For those who appreciate creature comforts, help them get cozy with one or more of the following:


Jewelry is always a great option. Pair a stylish jewelry box with something sparkly. Or if you’re feeling unsure, tuck in a gift card for a local boutique or etsy. (Necklace, earrings and ring shown above.)


Know someone who’s serious about teatime? Any combination of the following would be perfect:

Happy shopping!